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Why should aluminium cans be recycled?

Not only is it economical to recycle aluminium cans, but it also lessens the demand for mining and extracting new metal. A precious resource, aluminium may be recycled endlessly without deteriorating in quality.

Cans and recycling

Aluminum cans are one of the most recyclable materials, and recycling them saves up to 95% of the energy required to produce new aluminum from raw materials.

By making recycling a regular habit, we can all contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Metal waste in Dubai

Studies by the Waste Management Department of Dubai have shown that metal waste comprises nearly 2.7 percent of annual waste or roughly 72,900 tonnes of waste metal per year.

Recycling these cans, especially aluminum ones, plays a crucial role in promoting environmental sustainability. Mining and refining bauxite ore, the primary source of aluminum, is resource-intensive and environmentally disruptive. By recycling existing aluminum, we reduce the demand for new raw materials, lessening the environmental impact.

Recycling aluminium cans

Aluminum cans and drums are tough, durable, and cost less to recycle than to produce. In fact, 80-90% of all steel ever produced is still in use today.

The recycling process for aluminum cans is straightforward. Once collected, cans are cleaned, shredded, and melted down. The molten aluminum is then poured into molds to create new cans or other aluminum products. This closed-loop process can be repeated indefinitely without degrading the quality of the aluminum, making it a highly efficient and sustainable practice.

Efficient disposal of waste cans

Businesses can effectively recycle their aluminum cans by implementing a systematic approach that involves the right equipment and procedures.

  • First of all, designated recycling bins should be establish in key areas, to collect the cans once they have become waste.
  • A range of machines can compact the cans – can crushers are particularly useful for businesses that generate a high volume of cans, as they can significantly reduce the space needed for storage.

Ideal compacting solution for metal cans, tins and paint cans

The A101 is an ideal solution, designed to handle all forms of cans and drums up to 30 liters. It is easy to clean and maintain due to its lack of electric parts, and its compact size allows for convenient installation in any food preparation area.

The machine effectively reduces the volume of cans by up to 90%, optimizing waste disposal areas. This is particularly beneficial for businesses dealing with hazardous waste like paint or oil cans, as it dramatically cuts the volume of waste and reduces disposal costs by over 50%. The crusher’s efficiency in compacting cans and drums ensures a cleaner and more cost-effective waste management system.

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